
Updated COBie guidance enshrined in ‘British Standard’

Projects and clients adopting Level 2 BIM can now refer to the authoritative British Standard on COBie, a document which updates and builds on the UK BIM Task Group’s COBie UK 2012 guidance document.

BS 1192-4 Collaborative production of information Part 4: Fulfilling employers information exchange requirements using COBie – Code of Practice, was published 30 September.

Thanks to sponsorship from the Construction Industry Council, it can be downloaded free of charge here.

BS 1192-4 is one of the seven key tools and documents that can help organisations reach Level 2. COBie (Construction, operations, building information exchange) defines how data should be exchanged and structured throughout an asset’s lifecycle, flowing into asset planning and FM software systems.

BIM consultant and CIOB BIM Ambassador John Eynon told BIM+: “It’s not a document that’s going to set the world alight, but it’s a core standard for information exchanges and how to structure information. The industry has needed it for a long time. It’s another piece of the puzzle that makes up Level 2 BIM.”

Published by standards company BSI, BS 1192-4 provides recommendations on how to use COBie, and also supports the processes outlined in the previous BIM standards PAS 1192-2 and PAS 1192-3.

COBie is principally relevant for aid asset managers, facilities managers, asset owners, operations and maintenance service providers significantly, but it also impacts designers and contractors. The benefits of COBie include: 

  • Asset information can be collected as a construction project progresses and not in a panic at the end of a project
  • The contract pricing process is radically streamlined, with fewer stages and greater accuracy
  • The owner/operator of a facility/asset no longer has to re-enter all building related information into a facilities management system. The information is provided at handover stage through COBie.
  • Operational and maintenance costs can be budgeted using COBie information

Anthony Burd, head of sector for construction at BSI said: “Tendering for government-funded construction contracts often requires an extra level of stringency and organisations who plan to tender need to be working at Level 2 BIM from 2016. It makes sense that they gain competitive advantage by using BS 1192-4 COBie which will help get them there.”

The drafting of BS 1192-4 was funded by the Department of Business Innovation and Skills (BIS), advised by a steering group that included construction consultants, BIM and software experts, asset and facilities managers, and government and professional institutions.

Mark Bew, chairman of the government’s BIM Working Group said: “Standards play an important role in ensuring the wider adoption of BIM technologies, processes and collaboration by ensuring that the same accurate data can be accessed and shared throughout the supply chain.

“The standardisation of Level 2 BIM is helping help HM government and industry alike save significant sums and enable significant future industry growth. BS 1192-4:2014 is a key member of the BIM Level 2 package of documents and as such plays an integral role in the adoption of digital techniques in the construction industry.”

Organisations that plan to tender need to be working at Level 2 BIM from 2016. It makes sense that they gain competitive advantage by using BS 1192-4 COBie which will help get them there.– Anthony Burd, head of sector for construction at BSI

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