Understanding BIM: it’s not always easy, is it? The acronyms, jargons and complexities can be overpowering, which is why we have an explainers section. This year, explainers about Uniclass, COBie, BIM procurement, data and ISO 19650-5 grabbed your attention.
Here are the top five most popular explainers of 2022, from fifth to first.
That Uniclass 2015 is the classification system used to organise information across all construction industry disciplines is something of a given, but how else can the system be used? To find out more, we grabbed a few minutes with Tina Pringle, who is not only director of technical information at NBS, but also a member of the team that devised Uniclass 2015.
Is COBie keeping you awake at night? Are you struggling to make COBie work for your operations? If your answer is ‘yes’, then Steven Adams, BIM manager at Yondr, feels your pain. In this first instalment of a five-part series, he shared the start of his journey through COBie
Is procuring BIM like ordering a coffee? Do you want 4D or flat white? ISO 19650 or iced? Digital twin or caramel drizzle? Golden thread or grande? Floriano Ferreira, director of building data management at engineering consultancy HDR, discussed the need to educate the client, so they can make an informed and effective choice.
What does good data in construction look like? John Millar, technologist at BIM Academy, offered his view. He noted: “Perhaps the most fundamental measurement of data quality, a high degree of accuracy in the data is necessary for it to be fully representative of its subject matter.”
In the first instalment of a three-part series, BIM Academy technologist Murillo Piazzi outlined why ISO 19650-5 and taking a security-minded approach to information matters to your business. “A simple Ctrl+F could be enough for people to know where the Achilles’ heel of a project or facility is,” he declared.
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