Frameclad used Trimble’s Tekla Structures software during the delivery of the ‘Chocolate Factory’ mixed-use development in North London.
Located in Wood Green, the project contains office, studio, workshop and residential spaces and is built on one of the original sites of the Barratt & Co confectionary business.
Frameclad worked on the secondary structural framework from design, engineering, fabrication and on-site delivery for residential block E2.
The block combined infill light-gauge steel for the lower floors and panelised load-bearing frames for the top sixth storey.
The load-bearing frames of the top floor and the large steel sizes needed to be loaded and transported safely.
Trimble’s Tekla Structures software enabled identification of the weights and centre of gravity for each piece. The software also helped with checks and reporting, and identifying any problems at an early stage.
Nicholas Frank Frameclad designer said: “The benefit of BIM on offsite projects like the Chocolate Factory is huge, with the ability to easily check, verify and compare information to ensure it’s correct, before you progress to fabrication.
“When you know the data you are using is correct and constructible, the overall project delivery is a lot simpler and more straightforward.”
Frank added: “It makes you more confident in your design, with the ability to see instantly if there’s any discrepancies or issues and be able to resolve those effectively.”
Phased fabrication
For the light-gauge steel frames on the ground level to fifth floor, the modelling software broke down the individual steelwork and sorted the steel by phase, floor and zone. This allowed efficient phased fabrication and delivery of the steel.
Each piece of steel had a unique code stamped on it detailing the specific zone, floor, profile size and steel length so each piece could be quickly and easily identified.
The software was also integrated into Frameclad’s cold-roll-forming machine. This allowed for the automated manufacturing of wall frames and roof cassettes, including the accurate location of all studs and tracks.
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