
Q-Bot launches improved insulation robot

Q-Bot has launched its latest generation of under-floor insulation-spraying robot.

The Mk7 model is smaller, lighter, and more powerful than its predecessor, Q-Bot claims. It also includes a depth camera that makes it easier for the operator to check uniformity of the insulation when applied. 

The remote control robot can fit into spaces as low as 175mm and only 380mm wide. It features both front and rear cameras and 360-degree lighting to brighten up any environment so the installers can see exactly what’s going on.

Q-Bot’s robots provide an accredited solution for under-floor insulation with suspended floors, making homes warmer while increasing energy efficiency.

Q-Bot estimates that 2,800 people in the social and private housing market have benefitted from its robots, resulting in significant reduction of cold draughts, heat loss through the floor and uneven temperatures. It claims its floor insulation reduces heating bills by 16% on average, or £150 per year.

Chris Hamblin, engineering manager at Q-Bot, said: “It’s very satisfying to see all of the team’s hard work come to fruition, and the robots being used effectively on-site. The challenges we have faced are tough – trying to make the robot as small and agile as possible, while being powerful and rugged enough to finish the most demanding of installs. Early feedback from the installers and partners has been very positive, and I look forward to the robots earning their stripes and making homes warmer all over Europe, and then the world.”

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  1. Very impressive, want one myself!
    Must be useful for big scale insulation, but would it work for 1m by 1cm space?

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