Opinion Is the common data environment losing its meaning? The term “common data environment” (CDE) is a cornerstone of information management, often used interchangeably with various point solutions. As the market grows, is the term losing its meaning?
News Construction disputes and digital records: the pitfalls and best practice Effective information management is essential in preventing and resolving construction disputes – but there are pitfalls to beware of.
Explainers Cut off from the common data environment? Parties should download records from a CDE at regular intervals to avoid losing access to them in the event of access to the CDE being denied when in dispute.
Explainers Common data environments: know the risks Common data environments are widely used in construction, but there are risk in their use, says Marcus Roberts, head of Atvero.
Analysis Common data environments’ impact on dispute resolution Sarah Keyte, of HKA Global and IM4Legal, considers information management’s impact on dispute resolution, specifically the rise of the common data environment.
News NHS Scotland’s ‘huge cultural change’ to implement CDE NHS Scotland’s information, asset and facilities managers are going through “huge cultural change” to ensure the successful roll-out of a CDE developed by Bentley Systems.
Projects How to implement a common data environment on a budget How on earth do you implement a common data environment (CDE) when you’re a small business and you’ve got more than enough on your hands running your business?