In the sixth in a short series of Q&As to mark the turning of the year, David Philp, chief value office at Cohesive and chair of the CIOB’s innovation advisory group, reveals his highlights from last year and his hopes for 2024. Read on to find out why there’s an image of Taylor Swift at the top of this page…
BIMplus: What’s the best thing that happened in BIM and digital construction in 2023?
David Philp: For me, it was the year we got serious about how data and digital can help support ESG and the themes of climate mitigation/adaption and clean energy transition, etc.
What are you looking forward to professionally in 2024?
I am looking forward to helping support our clients on their value-driven journeys, accelerating time to value, and aligning digital-enabled change to business outcomes.
What does the industry need to do more (or less of) in 2024?
It needs to become more diverse and equitable (in all senses) and conversely, there must be less constant reinvention of industry strategies/plans. Let’s actually just deliver and make change happen rather than waiting for someone to give us permission.
Do you have any sort of festive ritual?
The sprinkling of magic reindeer navigation dust in the front garden on Christmas Eve with my daughter (she will be 18 in January!). It’s worked every year.
Happy birthday Sophie Philp 😊, this is your present!
Recommend a book, podcast, TV series, film or album that you enjoyed in 2023.
Book – Social Physics: How Good Ideas Spread – The Lessons From A New Science by Alex Pentland. And obviously Construction Management magazine.
Album – Midnights by Talyor Swift. Yup, going to see her in concert this year!
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