The Building Surveyor’s Institute of Japan (BSIJ) has adopted NBS’s Uniclass unified classification system.
The BSIJ is the only professional body for quantity surveyors in Japan. It has turned to the Uniclass system to create a “uniformed” categorisation system that helps label and identify assets across a range of industries in both the public and private sectors.
By using Uniclass, the BSIJ will be able to increase its use of BIM data throughout building projects. This will help it to tackle rising building material and energy prices, according to NBS.
It will also help streamline communication channels throughout its 4,200 members, allowing them to access crucial information at a faster rate through their website search tool, while avoiding mistakes and confusion during the specification stages of a project.
Unifying categories
Tadashi Kikuno, BSIJ committee member, said: “Due to the vast range of categories and groups we work with and the thousands of members that use our website, we needed a way to unify the categories and systems that we use in our projects. Speed was also a key factor. Having an effective search functionality on our website improves how quickly our members can access information, allowing them to search autonomously.
“We decided to opt for Uniclass due to its reputation as a global classification system for the construction industry. We knew it could be localised for any country and adapted to any built environment project.
“Deploying Uniclass will also encourage the uptake of BIM, which we know can improve building accuracy and help reduce project costs at a time when building materials are spiralling.”
Versatile language
Tina Pringle, director of technical information at NBS and co-creator of the Uniclass system, said: “We’ve seen time and time again how Uniclass has been able to create uniformity for a more standardised approach. The beauty of the Uniclass system is its versatility. It can be adapted to all manner of trades and industries so that everyone is singing from the same hymn sheet.
“Working alongside the BSIJ is another feather in the cap in terms of what Uniclass is capable of. We’re seeing how, through a common language, communication between organisations can be improved for better working practice, greater levels of accuracy and more robust record keeping.”
Uniclass is now used in more than 100 countries.
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