
Infrastructure security gamified by CPNI and backed by CIOB

A game that can help those designing, building, or maintaining infrastructure to spot and tackle security issues is being rolled out this week.

The Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI) developed the game with support from the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB).

Players are challenged to pinpoint security sensitivities in two hypothetical scenarios – on the street and inside a building – determining which elements of an asset are sensitive and need protecting, and which are benign. 

Where infrastructure is a potential target for hostile actors, CPNI advocates a “security-minded” approach.

It said this attitude applies to the implementation of all digital engineering tools, as well as traditional hardware such as CCTV, and physical infrastructure like bollards and barriers.

Other things to think about include features controlling access to areas shut off to the public, such as doors and electronic locking mechanisms.

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