BIM for Housing Associations (BIM4HAs) wants asset managers to volunteer to help develop its so-called housing association data dictionary.
According to BIM4HAs, the dictionary “is made by housing associations for housing associations, [therefore it] is a simpler, cost-effective way of giving housing associations confidence they are choosing the right data to request”.
The association noted that “a vast amount of information is generated about the buildings in our control, but only a fraction of that is necessary for us to manage our assets”.
BIM4HAs is looking for 30-plus experienced asset managers to participate in dictionary development workshops, sharing their knowledge and learning from their peers.
“We expect the workshops will enhance the digital literacy of participants and provide valuable opportunities to learn about information management practices and prepare your team for implementation of the golden thread requirements as they emerge,” BIM4HAs said.
Initially volunteers will need to commit to three two-hour virtual workshops focusing on a single component group (fire doors, domestic heating, windows, for example).
Those involved in the dictionary’s development to date have identified around 160 key components and a pilot project has been completed. The dictionary will be free to use and governed by OSCRE International, whch hosts the UK Housing Data Standards. Elements of the dictionary will be published as soon as they are complete.
Asset managers who want to get involved should email: [email protected].
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