Science and education publisher Springer Nature is calling for digital construction experts to submit proposals for their work to be published.
Springer Nature has published 12 books in the Digital Innovations in Architecture, Engineering and Construction series since 2022.
According to the publisher, the series “promotes and expedites the dissemination of recent research, advances, and applications in the field of digital innovations in the AEC industry”. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- industrialisation;
- material innovations;
- reality capture;
- extended reality;
- sustainability and the circular building economy;
- interoperability;
- computational design;
- digital twins and virtual cities; and
- data analytics.
Those interested in pitching a book proposal should read the submission guidelines or contact publishing editor Pierpaolo Riva.
Last year, Springer Nature published Industry 4.0 for the Built Environment. Dr Marzia Bolpagni, head of BIM international and associate director at Mace, co-edited the book.
Novel content needed
Dr Bolpagni is one of four editors (drawn from Europe, Singapore and the USA) of the series. She told BIMplus: “Anyone can submit a book proposal after reading the submission guidelines. We are looking for novel content. A mix of academia and industry would be great.
“There is no deadline, but if we receive three proposals on the same topic, we’ll just accept the first one to avoid duplications. So if anyone is interested in a topic, we suggest they send their proposal. Once the proposal is accepted by Springer, it is then evaluated by us as editors. Then the authors have more or less a year to complete the book. It can seem like a lot of time, but it really flies when writing a book!”
She highlighted three main reasons for writing a book. “First, it is an experience I recommend to everyone once in your life as it requires you to go very deep on a specific subject and to explain it to your target audience.
“Second, sharing is caring: sharing your knowledge to advance the sector is a gift to society. It presents the possibility to have an impact and also increase your wellbeing as there is much joy in giving to others!
“And third, being recognised as an expert on a particular topic can increase your networking and business opportunities.”
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