Contractor and utilities firm Falco has started using virtual reality in Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) driver training.
Earlier this month (July) 10 drivers attended a work-related road risk (WRRR) course run by driver training firm Fleet Source. Nine further VR training sessions are planned for this year.
Using VR headsets, the drivers had a six-hour immersive experience, including some live scenarios, simulating situations they were likely to encounter. These were filmed from all perspectives, including inside the vehicle, as well as the view from cyclists, pedestrians, and horse riders.
Accredited operator
Falco is accredited by the Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) and has around 130 vehicles in total including more than 100 3.5-tonne light commercial vehicles.
Falco’s fleet and facilities manager Jason Shreeve said: “This is a major step-change in the way we receive driver CPC training. The VR module really brought the scenario training to life and was much more thought-provoking and engaging than the traditional classroom-based instruction.”
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