The draft version of PAS 2080:2022 Carbon management in buildings and infrastructure is now out for consultation.
The industry has until 11 July to give feedback.
This PAS specifies requirements for the management of whole-life carbon in buildings and infrastructure, both for new projects or programmes of work and the management or retrofit of existing assets and networks.
PAS 2080:2022 is intended to:
- align the built environment with the transition to a net-zero carbon economy by 2050;
- encourage wider uptake of carbon management across the built environment;
- ensure close collaboration between all members of the value chain;
- recognise the importance of systems in transitioning to net zero, clarifying the role of each value chain member to control and influence decision-making;
- reinforce the importance of the carbon reduction hierarchy for whole-life carbon reduction;
- ensure the carbon implications from land use change and climate resilience are included in the carbon management considerations; and
- streamline consideration of influencing carbon beyond the project/programme boundaries.
Specific feedback
In seeking feedback, the BSI specifically asks:
- Does the PAS address the important points of whole-life carbon and systems thinking for transition to net-zero carbon?
- Does it improve clarity and accessibility, particularly for those members of the value chain who may not yet be fully engaged?
- Does it maintain focus on the urgent task of embedding effective carbon management in organisations and rapid carbon reduction across the sector?
- Is it future-proofed against the rapid changes in climate-related policy, regulation and ambition at organisational, sectoral, national and international scale?
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