Land Info Worldwide has assembled a team of geospatial companies to help plan the roll out of 5G networks across Europe.
Land Info, which provides mapping solutions for 5G wireless in North America using machine learning and artificial intelligence, says that working with aerial mapping company Bluesky International in the UK and Hexagon’s HxGN Content Program team in continental Europe, it hopes to extend its reach to the 5G industry internationally.
Nick Hubing, Land Info president, said: “Our international team, comprising Bluesky and Hexagon, will give 5G wireless operators in Europe direct local access to the geospatial data and expertise they need to develop state-of-the-art telecommunications networks.”
Land Info has invested heavily in developing automated geospatial technologies including object-based image analysis and artificial intelligence. These proprietary technological advancements have positioned it to meet the mapping specifications of 5G network design worldwide and to quickly extract scalable elevation and land cover information from high-resolution aerial imagery, as captured by Bluesky and Hexagon.
Hexagon imagery has already been used by Land Info at scale and its technology is optimised to work with its aerial sensors, including the new CityMapper as operated by Bluesky.
Bluesky International operates an advanced airborne sensor, which comprises vertical and oblique cameras, as well as a LiDAR (light detection and ranging), to create accurate and detailed virtual cities. Bluesky International also operates the only LiDAR system in the world that incorporates a thermal sensor and survey grade camera.
Rachel Tidmarsh, managing director of Bluesky International, said: “It is widely acknowledged, the signal propagation characteristics of 5G cell design requires a level of detail and accuracy that is best met with airborne derived data. The combination of our data capture expertise with Land Info’s proven technical approach and Hexagon’s advanced sensors will, it is hoped, inform decision making and help speed the roll out of 5G across the region.”