
AFI Rentals launches AI powered access selector

Powered access equipment on site for AFI Rentals Sitesurvai story

Powered access specialist AFI Rentals has developed Sitesurvai, an AI assistant that suggests what powered access equipment should be used on site.

Users upload an image of their site and Sitesurvai analyses the environment and recommends the most suitable equipment. Once the AI assistant identifies the required equipment, users can request a tailored quote from AFI through the website.

In selecting the right machine, Sitesurvai reduces incorrect orders and unnecessary costs, AFI Rentals claims.

Naturally, the Sitesurvai homepage features a caveat: “AI can make mistakes. Please confirm with a sales rep before ordering.”

Sitesurvai is also available free for use by other businesses in the construction and hire sectors.

Chris Jowett, IT director at AFI Rentals, said: “Our AI assistant is a gamechanger for the powered access industry. It simplifies the hire process by using smart image analysis to identify the exact machine required for the job. By making it freely available for use, we’re ensuring that businesses across the sector can benefit, improving accessibility and efficiency for everyone.”

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